Thursday 19 September 2013

DIY: Spring T-shirt

BushcraftZ 2013

BushcraftZ 2013
  • pre-washed cotton T-shirt
  • pre-washed 20 cm x 15 cm white cotton fabric
  • 20 cm x 15 cm iron on fabric support such as Vilene
  • A4 size sturdy fabric support
  • fabric paint clear extender base, fabric paint in one or two colours
  • 3 seed beads
  • fine permanent market, scissors, pins, beading needle, cotton, sewing machine with embroidery foot, iron,
  • Download Pattern 

  1. Download print and cut out the bird patterns.  Reinforce the cotton fabric with the iron on fabric support. Cut out one of each bird from the prepared cotton fabric.
  2. Position the cut out birds onto the T-shirt using the photo below as a general guide. Lightly draw a branch on the T-shirt. Remove the cotton birds and set aside for step 5.
    BushcraftZ 2013
  3. Turn the T-shirt inside out.  Position the A4 sized sturdy fabric support onto the front panel of the T-shirt so that it is placed behind the design and pin it into place. This will prevent the T-shirt material to stretch during step 4 and 5.  Turn the T-shirt right side out again.
  4. Free style machine embroider the branch with contrasting cotton.  
    BushcraftZ 2013
    Start by dropping the feed dog mechanism of the sewing machine.  Insert the embroidery foot.  Thread the sewing machine with cotton. Start the freestyle embroidery of the outlines of the branch by following the lines drawn with the permanent marker.  Fill in the branch with freestyle embroidery.
    BushcraftZ 2013

  5. Place the birds back into position and freestyle embroider them onto the T-shirt.  Freestyle embroider legs and wings also. 
    BushcraftZ 2013
  6. Cut away cotton thread to neatly.  Turn the T-shirt inside out and cut away any excess fabric support.  Turn the T-shirt right side out again.
  7. Dip your finger into the clear fabric paint extender and spread a layer on the heads and wings of the three birds.  Charge your finger again with a small amount of fabric paint and blend the paint onto the head and wings to create contrast.  Follow up with a second darker colour if required.  Allow the fabric paint to dry.  Heat fix the paint with an iron according to fabric paint manufacturer’s instructions.
    BushcraftZ 2013
  8. Finish off the design by sewing the a seed bead into position to for each eye.
    BushcraftZ 2013
    BushcraftZ 2013
    Spring T-shirt

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