Tuesday 28 May 2013

Blooms in late autumn

BushcarftZ May 2013

Cooler overnight temperatures and longer nights announce that winter is looming around the corner.  Late autumn days are blessed with mild daytime temperatures, brilliant sunshine and beautiful clear blue skies.  The roses in the garden are gracing us with their last flush of brilliant white, bright orange, yellow and spot of pink.  These inspire me to create giant paper flowers.
My fist attempt are roses the size of dinner plates.  I made them with white poster paper, stained the blooms in tea and coffee afterwards to define the petals.  Twisted branches and sticks collected it the garden serve as interesting stems for the large blooms. 
BushcarftZ May 2013
BushcraftZ May2013

1 comment:

  1. Hi Nati, dein Blogspot und die Rosen sehen sehr gut aus! Margrit
