Thursday 27 June 2013

Pass it forward

Cross stitch embroidery  work by my
(competed by my mother)
June is winter in South Africa and reminds me of sweet smelling violets growing among pure white snow bells in my mother’s winter garden at the entrance of their home.  It also reminds me of my maternal grandmother who was born on 14 June 1905 and lived the concept of ‘pass it forward’.  She believed that talents were there to be used and developed and where possible she encouraged this. 

One day she showed me a painting she bought from a young unknown artist and said that the clouds in the paining were exceptional and she believed that this person could become a great artist one day.  I have certainly benefited from people who have passed forward their knowledge, tips and resources, bought my creations and offered encouragement. Without them this blog would most certainly not be. To me ‘passing it forward’ means helping, supporting or encouraging someone with the knowledge that this small deed cannot be repaid.  

Today I would like to share a poem my grandmother wrote at the age of 14.  I hope we call can stop and look, not ‘hurry by’ an opportunity to ‘pass it forward’.

A little Thought

Talitha Ammermann (nee Schulz) age 14 (1919)

The sun has set, the sky is gray,
The little children stop their play,
The air is still, the birds are quiet.
Up in the sky a star shines bright.

A cricket chirping in the grass
Stops its sweet song now as I pass
A bee in flying all a alone
And as I go I hear it drone.

The air is cool and in the street
The people walk with hurrying feet.
They go and come.  I wonder why!
They’re all as puzzling as the sky.

Christmas themed fine embroidery by my grandmother.

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