Tuesday 2 July 2013

DIY Recycle: Specimen vase

BushcraftZ July 2013
BushcraftZ July 2013

  • 1 x effervescent tablet tube container
  •  photocopied picture ( I used a botanical painting from a magazine.)
  • 1 x plastic suction hook (Available from bathroom section in DIY shops.)
  • 30 cm tiger tail including ‘crimps’ or cable tie or any other strong string or ribbon
  • Modge podge
  • Universal undercoat (white)
  • Scissors, brush,  waterproof varnish, 2 elastic bands, craft glue, measuring tape, sharp nosed pliers.


  1. Clean and dry the effervescent tube. Paint the outside of the tube with a few layers of universal undercoat paint to cover the branding on the tube.  Allow to dry.
  2. Measure the circumference and the height of the tube. Use these dimensions to cut the picture to size.  Use modge podge and decoupage the picture onto the tube. Secure the paper with an elastic band at the bottom and at the top of the tube and allow the modge podge to dry. 
  3. Remove elastic bands. Cover with a few more layers of modge podge to seal the paper.  Allow to dry in between each layer.
  4. Seal the tube with varnish.
  5. Remove the hook from the suction cup.  Attach the tube to the suction cup with the tiger tail and secure with crimps or use the cable tie or a ribbon.  Use glue to secure the tie at the back of the vase.
  6. Fill vase with water and add a single flower.  Attach to a mirror, window or fridge.
BushcraftZ July 2013

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