Tuesday 9 July 2013

An indispensible craft tool

This past week I asked a craft colleague to select her most useful craft tool.  I am still awaiting the answer.  It is not surprising that it takes some time to choose.  I thought to myself which tool would I choose?  Maybe it is the guillotine. When working with paper it is certainly is the most important tool to get a professional finish – but it could be replaced by scissors....Then maybe it is scissors.  Yes, certainly a candidate.  My most relaxing craft moments are when I can cut paper or fabric, but I could replace it with a craft knife.  On a third thought, my sewing machine. I would be lost without it and I do not only use it to sew fabric but also use it in my card making process so maybe that’s it.  For a few days I went through all my major crafting tools as I use them and considered in the back of my mind which one would I never be able to do without.

Then on Sunday morning I read an article ‘In Praise of the Pencil’ in the FLOW magazine and
experience an Oprah ‘Ah-Ha’ moment.  It dawns on me that the tool I use every single day seems so insignificant I do not even give it a conscious thought.  It is the PENCIL!

BushcraftZ July 2013

A big pot of pencils sit ready on the worktable where I craft, sharpened and ready for use.  Pencils are also almost everywhere else where I reach. On my desk at work, on top of the fridge, in the drawer at the front door ready for a quick shopping list on the way out, in the top drawer of my bedside table, in my handbag and if I scratch even in my rucksack.  A pencil is literally tucked into every corner.  I use them for writing, jot down notes or correct documents, to doodle and design, sketch or copy a design when I cannot find a sheet of carbon copy.  Here I am just talking about the normal HB pencil.  
BushcraftZ July 2013
But there are more pencil treasures.  When I open my craft tool storage drawers there lie the beautiful rainbow coloured pencils: Ordinary colouring pencils, pastel pencils, water colour pencils.  My eyes sparkle when I think the numerous creative possibilities that can flow through the humble pencil.  I think my most indispensable craft tool has been identified.  The ordinary pencil that needs sharpening, not the fancy, mechanical pencil that disguises itself as a pen. 
I think I am a PENCIL FAN.

Interesting links about pencils

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