Sunday 25 August 2013

Crazy knitting and crochet

BushcraftZ 2013
Crazy knitting or crochet, otherwise known as freestyle or free form knitting and crochet is a fabulous craft.  It is for all of us who like to knit and crochet, but are daunted by set patterns or have free spirits and like to work creatively without restraint. With terms like scumbling one can only have fun.  For this craft one only needs to know the fundamentals of knitting and/or the basics of crochet.  There are no mistakes, only experiments and if there is a section that does not please, it can easily be undone. Creatively anything goes and no two projects are alike. It is therefore very relaxing and exciting at the same time. Crazy knitting and crochet also a very innovative way of using the little bits of left over wool from larger projects that clutter the cupboards.  
Personally, I like to combine both knitting and crochet for a multidimensional effect.
BushcraftZ 2013: Scumble
BushcraftZ 2013: Scumble
BushcraftZ 2013: Scumble
BushcraftZ 2013: Freeform handbag
BushcraftZ 2013: Freeform shopping bag side 1

BushcraftZ 2013: Freeform shopping bag side 2

BushcraftZ 2013: Freeform bag side 1

BushcraftZ 2013: Freeform bag side 2

If you like to know more have a look at:

1 comment:

  1. WOW! Dit is werklik 'n inspirasie. Wat van 'n werkswinkel?
