Sunday 18 August 2013

DIY Recycle: Picture frame – chalk board collage

BushcraftZ 2013
Chalk board collage
On a visit to a local charity shop I found a couple of mismatched old frames that looked rather tired, but were still sturdy. I managed to purchase them for a really good price.  My idea was turn the frames into a chalk board collage for my office. Below I share how I did this.

BushcraftZ 2013
  • A selection of old frames
  • Universal undercoat paint
  • Craft paint in various colours
  • Silver metallic craft paint (optional)
  • Paint brushes
  • Thin plywood cut to the size of the frames (optional)
  • Pliers and small hammer
  • Glue or strong packaging tape, thin picture frame nails
  • Polyfilla powder (used to fill cracks in walls) or tile grouting


BushcraftZ 2013
Frame contours highlighted with metallic paint
  1. Remove the backing of the frames and set them aside. Keep the nails if they are still in good order. If the backings are plywood they can be saved for the chalk boards. If the backing is cardboard keep these aside to use a template for the plywood.
  2. Clean the frames remove any glue, tape, nails and hooks.
  3. Paint the frames with universal undercoat. Allow to dry. Repeat if necessary.
  4. Paint all the frames in the same colour. This will create a universal look although every frame is a different size and design. Allow to dry. Add more coats if necessary.
  5. (OPTIONAL) Charge a dry bush with a little metallic craft paint. Remove most of the paint from the brush onto scrap paper. Apply the paint with feather light brush movements onto the contours and edges of the frames. 
NOTE: Take care not to have too much paint on the brush as this would ruin the effect. It is easier to add another layer if the highlights are not sufficient.

  1. Use the plywood backings saved from the frames or ask a hardware store to cut thin plywood to size. The cardboard backings can be used as templates for the plywood.
  2. Paint the plywood with the universal undercoat and allow to dry.
  3. Make your own chalk board paint by adding one teaspoon of polyfilla powder or tile grouting to the paint. Mix well.
  4. Paint the plywood with a few layers of this paint to create chalk boards. Allow to dry between each layer.
  5. Place the chalk boards in the frames and secure them at the back with picture frame nails or glue into place. Cover the edges with tape.
TIP: Paint each layer in a different direction. This will provide an even coverage.

    BushcraftZ 2013
    Chalk board collage

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