Sunday 13 April 2014

DIY Recycle - Easter: Old school Easter bunny mobile

BushcraftZ 2014
  • 2 x 1 L plastic yoghurt containers or any other plastic container with a larger flat surface area.
  • Pages from an old book.
  •  Strong all purpose scissors and craft knife,  clear drying craft glue or Modge Podge, fine black permanent marker,  punch, string and a wreath ( I used a wreath made from dried willow branches).
  • Download Easter bunny template

  1. Prepare the plastic yoghurt containers. Carefully use a craft knife to cut away the bottom and top edge of the containers. Open up the smooth sides to form a sheet and lay it flat.
  2. Transfer several of the bunny templates onto the plastic with a marker. I could fit 9 bunnies - 3 of each design - onto plastic sheets salvaged from two 1L yoghurt containers.
  3. Cut out the bunny shapes from the plastic sheeting.
  4. Use clear drying craft glue or modge podge to stick old book paper onto the printed side of the bunnies, leaving the back of the plastic sheets white. Allow to dry and trim the paper as close as possible to the shape of the bunnies to neaten the edges.
  5. Optional: Refer to the pictures and use the thin black marker to highlight certain areas on the bunnies with cross hatching. Also add whiskers and eyes.
    BushcraftZ 2014

    BushcraftZ 2014

    BushcraftZ 2014
  6. Punch a hole at top of each bunny, thread string through the hole and hang the bunnies from the wreath to make a mobile.  I suspended a small wooden egg from each bunny to add some colour to the mobile. Hang the Easter mobile in a tree or in the house.

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