Thursday 3 April 2014

DIY Easter: Forest bunny bunting

BushcraftZ 2014

BushcraftZ 2014
  • Linolium or large eraser (at least 6.5 cm x 10 cm)
  • Lino carving tools
  • Cardstock
  • Inkpad
  • One wooden peg for each bunny
  • Ribbon or string for the bunting
  • Craft glue, scissors, pencil and carbon paper
  • Download bunny pattern

  1. Transfer the pattern onto the linoleum or eraser.
  2. Use carving tools to carve away all white areas as indicated on the pattern and the area surrounding the bunny.  Ink the stamp and stamp a trial to determine if there are certain areas that need more carving or cleaner lines. Continue to carve until you achieve a clean stamp pattern. For the linoleum stamp one can cut away the background around the bunny.
    BushcraftZ 2014

    BushcraftZ 2014
  3. Optional: Mount the stamp onto a wooden block to make stamping easier.
  4. Stamp a few bunnies onto the cardstock and allow to dry.
    BushcraftZ 2014
  5. Cut out the bunnies and glue them onto wooden pegs.
  6. Measure out the ribbon for the length of the bunting required, evenly space the bunnies along the ribbon and glue in place. Allow glue to dry.
    BushcraftZ 2014

    BushcraftZ 2014
 Hang forest bunny bunting as a festive Easter decoration

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