Thursday 8 May 2014

DIY Recycle: Mother's day botanical display

BushcraftZ 2014
Once a year we celebrate our mothers on a special day. Gifts traditionally include flowers and a card, a small token of our appreciation for all the hard work, support and love we receive unconditionally on a daily basis from our mothers.  As few weeks ago I came across an old, battered house plant book dating from the 60’s. Browsing through it, it revealed the most beautiful botanical paintings and that gave me an idea for a Mother’s day gift with a floral theme.

Framed botanical display for Mom.

BushcraftZ 2014
  • Botanical prints from an old book (Only if it is of no use to anyone anymore)
  • Picture frames
  • Cardstock or handmade paper in matching colour
  • General craft supplies and matching ribbon

  1. Carefully disassemble the book and select botanical prints to frame. Set the book cover and the rest of the prints and book pages aside for future projects.
  2. Open the frames and use the commercial insert as a guide to cut the botanical prints to size. Alternatively measure the frame to determine the correct size for trimming the botanical prints.
  3. Cut the cardstock to size and either mount the botanical prints onto the cardstock or carefully cut out a frame from the cardstock and mount the print from behind.
  4. Place the prepared botanical prints into the frame and finish off the frame with matching ribbon.


Use the botanical prints to make a collection of gift tags for mom to use.
BushcraftZ 2014
BushcraftZ 2014
BushcraftZ 2014

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