Thursday 5 June 2014

DIY Felt:Organic, African inspired bowl from modelling felt

BushcraftZ 2014
Modelling felt can be used to transform designs into 3D shapes and objects. 

My mother gave me a few sheets of modelling felt and I used them to create a simple organically shaped African inspired bowl.

  • 2 or more sheets of modelling felt
  • Cotton fabric remnants
  • Small bowl to use as a mold create the shape
  • pegs, measuring tape, general sewing equipment, matching embroidery thread, warm water

  1. Measure the size of the felt circle required to make the felt bowl by draping the measuring tape across the back of the bowl to be used as a mold.  Add 6 cm to this measurement. This will be the diameter of the felt circle required. ( eg. 23cm + 6 cm = 29 cm circumference of felt circle.)
    BushcraftZ 2014
  2. Place felt sheets next to each other so that the edges overlap by 1 cm. Sew the sheets together by hand or with a sewing machine to create a felt sheet large enough to cut out the circle required.
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  3. Cut out a felt circle form the felt sheet.
  4. Dip the felt in warm water to soften the felt.  Remove from water and gently squeeze out most of the moisture. Stretch the felt over the back of the bowl . Secure the felt around the edges of the bowl with pegs. Allow the felt to dry for at least 12 hours or until completely dry. Remove the pegs and the felt from the bowl. The dried felt should now be sturdy enough to retain the shape.
    BushcraftZ 2014

    BushcraftZ 2014
  5. Sew along the top edge to secure the rim of the bowl. The overhang can be trimmed at this point to neaten the edges or left organically as shown in the photo below.
    BushcraftZ 2014

    BushcraftZ 2014
  6. Cut circles from felt and cotton fabric remnants and decorate the bowl.
    BushcraftZ 2014

    BushcraftZ 2014

    BushcraftZ 2014

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