Thursday 19 June 2014

Recycle DIY: Create planters from Crocs

BushcraftZ 2014
This blog is dedicated to my sister who made the suggestion that I transform her old Crocs into planters. It has taken me a few years to convert her idea into reality. Now that my own Crocs that I used for gardening have reached retirement age both our pairs of Crocs have been transformed into mini planters.

BushcraftZ 2014
  • Old Crocs (Cleaned thoroughly with soap and water.)
  • Spray paint (Cardboard box to contain the spray paint.)
  • Potting soil and seedling fertilizer
  • Seedlings and cuttings from succulents

  1. Cover the clean dry crocs with a few layers of spray paint. Allow to dry between layers.
    BushcraftZ 2014
  2. Pour a little prepared potting soil into the front of the croc and insert succulent cuttings though the front holes. Compact the soil to hold the plants.
  3. Plant a seeding in the foot opening and fill any open spaces with potting soil. Water the plants regularly. The succulents should root over time.
    BushcraftZ 2014

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